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What They Will Learn

Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to cater to the specific needs of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. We understand that each age group requires a different approach to learning, and we embrace this diversity to foster optimal growth and development.


Our curriculum of preschoolers is designed to promote deep investigations and expand children’s understanding of the world around them. Preschoolers will:

  • Foster a love for learning and self-expression, empowering children to take ownership of their education and build confidence in their abilities.
  • Enhance cognitive abilities and critical thinking through the use of interactive tools, hands-on experiences, and repetition of activities, fostering problem-solving and creative thinking.
  • Cultivate social-emotional skills and collaboration through child-led play and involvement with the greater community.
Preschooler Curriculum For Caregiver

How They Will Learn

Our program provides you with holistic resources to implement at home with confidence and ease. Each month you’ll receive:

  • Suggested activities that target all domains of development (social-emotional, language, motor, and cognition).
  • S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) and Music & Movement packets.
  • 4 Yoga documents that connect with each unit of investigation.
  • Resources on how to support and encourage your child’s play.
  • 12 new meal recipes that include breakfast, lunch, and snack suggestions – gut health = brain health!
  • And so much more!
Music Month
preSchooler Rise, Shine and Play
Yoga Week
Monthly Breakfast Menu

Why No Worksheets and Crafts?

Our goal at We Skoolhouse is to foster authentic and meaningful learning experiences that promote creativity, critical thinking, and self-expression. Therefore, we prioritize hands-on, child-led activities that encourage exploration and problem-solving, allowing children to actively construct their knowledge and develop a deep understanding of the world around them. By valuing the process over the final product, we celebrate each child’s unique abilities and interests, promoting a lifelong love for learning.

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Welcome to the We Skoolhouse

We Skoolhouse is close to officially launching! While we aren’t live yet, we invite you to explore our website to learn more about our mission and programs that will soon be available. 

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