
What They Will Learn

Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to cater to the specific needs of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. We understand that each age group requires a different approach to learning, and we embrace this diversity to foster optimal growth and development.

Made for Infants Designed for You!

How We Support You

  • Ready-made and flexible infant curriculum
  • Resources to manage daily infant transitions such as sleeping, crying, and feeding
  • Infant activities such as floor play, mirror play, water play, and discovery baskets
  • Webinars with Q&A, with focus on topics such as Infant Language Development and Caring for Your Infant
  • 1×1 consultations with experts to support your infant’s journey into toddlerhood
Infant Navigting behavior

How We Support Your Infant

Infant Playing with Ball
Targeting priorities of infancy such as secure attachment emotional well-being, sensory, and motor development, our curriculum and resources provide the support you need to ensure your infant will thrive. Examples include:
    • Guided Baby Massages
    • Music and Movement activities – exploring different instruments, music, and dance with scarves and fingerplays
    • Sensory-rich activities – water play, bubble play, and exploration of paint
    • Social outdoor exploration for baby + adult
Infant Playing with Ball

How We Support Your Infant

Targeting priorities of infancy such as secure attachment emotional well-being, sensory, and motor development, our curriculum and resources provide the support you need to ensure your infant will thrive. Examples include:

    • Guided Baby Massages
    • Music and Movement activities – exploring different instruments, music, and dance with scarves and fingerplays
    • Sensory-rich activities – water play, bubble play, and exploration of paint
    • Social outdoor exploration for baby + adult

How They Will Learn

Our program provides you with holistic resources to implement at home with confidence and ease. Each month you will receive:

  • Suggested activities that target all domains of development (social-emotional, language, motor, and cognition).
  • Documents that encourage music and movement exploration.
  • Daily tips on how to make your day special with your infant.
  • Resources on how to support and encourage your child’s play.
  • And so much more!
Infant with guitar
Bath time
Infants plying

Why No Worksheets and Crafts?

Our goal at We Skoolhouse is to foster authentic and meaningful learning experiences that promote creativity, critical thinking, and self-expression. Therefore, we prioritize hands-on, child-led activities that encourage exploration and problem-solving, allowing children to actively construct their knowledge and develop a deep understanding of the world around them. By valuing the process over the final product, we celebrate each child’s unique abilities and interests, promoting a lifelong love for learning.

Our Approach

The first five years of life are truly the most critical and formative. Your child’s everyday experiences not only affect how they approach the world right now, but will also drastically influence and shape their emotional, social, and cognitive abilities as an adult – as well as every age and stage in between! Understanding the delicacy and preciousness of this timeframe, We Skoolhouse combines progressive, science-backed methodologies to offer your child the most meaningful experiences that will spark and sustain a lifelong love for learning.
Our thoughtful programs are uniquely tailored for every age group to ensure developmentally appropriate practice. Not only are we guided by developmental milestones, but we also utilize these Domains of Development to promote holistic care and growth of your child.


  • Creativity, Imagination, & Innovation
  • Cause-and-effect & Trial-and-error
  • Experimentation & Problem-solving
  • Inferences and Prediction-making
  • Discovery & Reasoning
  • Focus, Attention, and Recollection
  • Symbolic Awareness 

Social and Emotional

  • Independence & Initiative
  • Self-awareness & Self-esteem
  • Verbal and Nonverbal Self Expression
  • Autonomy and Initiative
  • Mindful Decision Making
  • Empathy, Understanding, & Compassion
  • Collaboration & Effective Communication


  • Gross Motor Strength (Head, Trunk, & Limbs)
  • Fine Motor Strength (Wrists, Hands, & Fingers)
  • Balance, Coordination, Stabilization
  • Hand-eye Coordination & Visual Perception
  • Self-care Skills (Feeding, Dressing, & Brushing)
  • Crawling, Walking, Running, Skipping
  • Grasping, Maneuvering, and Controlling Objects

Language and Literacy

  • Receptive Skills (Understanding Language)
  • Expressive Skills (Using Language)
  • Non-verbal Communication
  • Fluency, Articulation, Volume, Pitch, & Tone
  • Exploration & Recognition of Print Concepts
  • Interest & Engagement with Books & Music
  • Reciprocity & Dialogue with Others

What they'll Learn by age

Why they'll Love it

In a nutshell, it’s fun! Meaningful learning will happen naturally through a developmentally appropriate curriculum that incorporates self-expression, movement, touch, art, story-telling, singing, dancing, playing, and ample outdoor time – all of which sings to the hearts, brains, and bodies of little ones, everywhere!

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Welcome to the We Skoolhouse

We Skoolhouse is close to officially launching! While we aren’t live yet, we invite you to explore our website to learn more about our mission and programs that will soon be available. 

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